Safety Expertise: Uniquely Broad
Safety Engineer, Accident Prevention Consulting
will help your business or industry prevent accidents, injuries, illnesses,
and other losses, and control such costs, and develop accident, illness, and
injury prevention programs (IIPP), including such elements as
INSPECTIONS. and Federal and State OSHA
and MSHA compliance. Improve your bottom line.
Safety Expert Witness Service
or forensic safety engineering will help you in civil and regulatory legal
actions to determine accident causation, means by which accidents, injuries,
illnesses, and related losses could be prevented, and applicable codes and
standards. I assist clients with ATTORNEY NEWS.
Get better results for your clients.
Accident Investigation
to gather information and evidence for reconstruction using scientific
methods, photography, and interviewing. Solve accident problems.
Accident Reconstruction
to establish accident sequences or scenarios from physical, documentary, and
testimonial evidence, and to assist in determining accident causation and
means of prevention. Solve accident problems
Safety Training
for your workers and managers in industry, or other parties, to use effective
techniques to inform and educate in the means of accident, injury, and illness
prevention. OSHA 500 and 501. NFPA 70-E.
Warns About Falls.
Returns from India Crane Safety Workshops.
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Preston Offered Crane Safety
Workshops in India

GKC of India invited Safetybiz
President, Preston to lead three crane safety workshops in Mumbai,
Chennai, and Delhi. The presentations addressed safeguarding of cranes
used in many industries in India. The first workshop was held in
Mumbai on January 11 and 13, 2010.

Running a safety business requires
great understanding.
Get your
online degree in business.

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