Safety Engineering Services Jay W. Preston, CSP, PE, CMIOSH, President and CEO
Jay W. Preston, CEO
Member ASTM F-13 Committee on Safety of Footwear and Traction (1995-1996 and 2003) Former Professional Member, International Conference of Building Officials
I have conducted many coefficient of friction, slope, architectural barrier, and lighting surveys. I am familiar with the standard of care relating to floor maintenance procedures and protecting pedestrians from falling. I have been an apartment manager, am published in the apartment press, and have lectured on safety (including fall prevention) to apartment owner groups. Investigated well over 500 slip, trip and fall occurrences in many kinds of occupancies, including residential, industrial, and retail environments. Much background and experience in floor covering products and methods. This includes carpets, linoleum, and tile of many types. I have put it down, kicked it in, serviced it, and pulled it up. |