Jay W. Preston, CEO
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Human Factors

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Training and
experience in fire inspection and hazard evaluation. Good familiarity with flammable
liquids and other aspects of fire hazards and protection including automatic sprinkler and
fixed chemical extinguishing systems, and escape systems.
Fire safety background dating from training at Liberty Mutual in
1969. This training dealt with safe handling of flammables, their classifications, and
characteristics. Other fire safety training included the FIA school in Hartford, and fire
safety seminars and courses for Chubb and Great American. I also have practical experience
with propane and LPG.Able to address the nature of the fuel containers and appropriate
practices for dispensing and the human factors associated with the use of fuels.
Versed in gas appliances and common hazards, building features
important to fire safety, many special hazards, and NFPA
Codes and municipal fire codes.
Former Professional Member: ICBO.