Extensive experience
with construction site
accidents and accident prevention including manual and mechanical materials handling.
Retained on a number of construction equipment
My background and experience include a healthy dose of practical operating
experience with material handling equipment of many types including many makes of
forklifts with gear for handling steel, pallets, and slipsheets; mobile
hydraulic cranes; bridge
cranes; hoists; conveyors; liftgates; and rail and highway rolling stock.

I have operating
experience with earthmoving equipment. I owned a Cat D-6 dozer and have owned Ford, Kubota,
and Case tractors. I have hazard knowledge of articulated equipment in the agricultural
realm as well.

Current clients for accident prevention consulting
have included several major construction contractors on projects as diverse as
amusement park facilities, satellite earth stations, electronics assembly
plants, high rise office buildings, office complexes, water treatment plants,
and libraries.
working experience in insurance and my independent accident prevention practice adds to my
qualifications on construction safety. I am familiar with the ANSI, AGC, CAL/OSHA, OSHA,
other codes and standards which apply to jobsite accident problems, as well as the ASME,
SAE, and other codes and standards which apply to the construction, care, use, and
maintenance of equipment. I teach them in my classes.
my own account, and as a volunteer on projects, I have served as a water truck
driver, maintenance electrician, plumber, pipe fitter, finish carpenter,
painter, tile installer, steel erector, surveyor's apprentice, cement finisher,
plasterer, locksmith, interior decorator, and jack hammer operator.
From time to time my accident prevention clients call on me to give
forklift safety training sessions for their personnel. I have been called
on to prepare
a study guide for a forklift training film ("The Color of Safety") for Barr
Films. I have overseen crane
operations and developed safe lifting plans for accident prevention clients.

Completed basic asbestos awareness course.
Completed the S.I.A. basic scaffolding seminar.
OSHA 500, OSHA 501, and NFPA 70-E Instructor.
Completed the CAL/OSHA Construction Safety Orders
Review Seminar and Heat Stress Regulations Class.

New project beginning in Downtown Manhattan, New