safety engineer expert witness accident prevention reconstruction consulting and analysis OSHA MSHASAFETYBIZ, INC.

Safety Engineering Services

Jay W. Preston, CSP, PE, CMIOSH, President and CEO

Safety Engineer.......Accident Prevention Consulting.......Forensic Safety Engineering.......Accident Investigation.......Accident Reconstruction.......Safety Training.......College Safety Instruction.......Emergency Preparedness.......Safety and  Accident Prevention Expertise and Experience.....Expert Witness......

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Jay W. Preston, CEO

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Preston goes to India for three two-day crane safety workshops:

GKC of India invited Safetybiz President, Preston to lead three crane safety workshops in Mumbai, Chennai, and Delhi.  The presentations addressed safeguarding of cranes used in many industries in India.

The first workshop was held in Mumbai on January 11 and 13, 2010.

The second workshop was held in Chennai on January 18 and 19, 2010.

The final workshop was held in Delhi on January 21 and 22, 2010.

For an outline of the sessions, see below.

crane safety accident prevention mechanical material handling safety forklift safety conveyor safety


I can help you win crane safety cases as well as other manual and mechanical materials handling safety cases.

"The Ups and Downs of Crane Safety"

Participants: Who should attend?

The program is designed for those who have operational supervision of crane operations and contractors and subcontractors who do. Private and public sector safety staff as well as operational personnel are invited to participate in the lively interactive sessions.

Objectives: What will you learn?

You can expect to learn how to keep out of the headlines. Crane incidents are almost always newsworthy with scary pictures of mayhem and catastrophe on the front pages of newspapers everywhere. After some coverage of the basics we will go into case studies of known incident types and how to prevent them. You will leave the sessions with useful knowledge that you can put to immediate use to prevent crane catastrophes. You will be able to write or evaluate, and implement a safe lifting plan and ensure that crane operations on your sites remain safe. You will be able to address the physical, environmental, and personal causes of incidents and control them.

Benefits of the Workshop:

Expect to learn:

How to keep out of the headlines.
How to prevent crane operation mishaps.
How to evaluate and implement a safe lifting plan
How to ensure that crane operations on your sites remain safe.
How to address the physical causes of crane incidents and control them.
How to address the environmental causes of crane incidents and control them.
How to address the personal causes of crane incidents and control them.
How to apply modern safety engineering methods to crane operations.

Useful knowledge for immediate use to prevent crane catastrophes.



First Day

* Introduction of Material and Instructor

* The Basics
- Types of Cranes
- Uses of Cranes
- General Crane Operating Hazards

1100-1115 Coffee, Tea Break

* Prevention Concepts
-. Design
-. Training
-. Warning

1300-1400 Lunch

* Specific Hazards and Controls (Part 1)
- Contact with Power Lines Including Power Supplies
- Upsets
. Overloading
. Surface Failure
- Two-Blocking
1530-1545 Coffee, Tea Break

* Specific Hazards and Controls (Part 2)
- The Cab and Access
- Pinch Points and Nip Points
- Operator Controls
- Visual Hazards
- Cables and Sheaves
- Disassembly and Boom, Bridge, and Jib Failures
Second Day

* Specific Hazards and Controls (Part 3)
- Moving On and Off Site
- Counterweights.
- Boom Hinge and Turntable Failures
- Tower and Derrick Problems
- Environmental Concerns
- Rigging

1100-1115 Coffee, Tea Break

* Maintenance and Repair
* Personnel

1300-1400 Lunch

* Writing the Safe Lifting Plan

1530-1545 Coffee, Tea Break

* Inspection and Certification- Of Cranes
- Of Personnel
* Resources

We cover bridge cranes, gantry cranes, jib cranes, hoists and derricks, as well as tower cranes.  Bridge cranes are known in India as EOT cranes.

Actually, the biggest hazards are with cranes that move from job to job. Even tower cranes are pretty docile once they are erected on site. However, erection errors can result in spectacular incidents.

For example: with a tower crane, a single lifting plan is all that needs to be worked out for the duration of its installation, that may last from six months to a year or more. An industrial bridge crane may be in place for 20-50 years or more and one lifting plan. Mobile cranes may need a new lifting plan every couple of days with all that this entails.

About all you have to worry about with a tower crane once safely erected, properly chosen for its environment, and with a competent operator, is to make sure that loads being handled are lifted from directly under the carriage and within design capacity.

All cranes need periodic inspection in that running gear, standing rigging, and structure has to be checked for integrity and safety at intervals. In California, this means proof testing to design loads once a year as well as routine inspection. Most fixed crane installations are a lot safer because movement is constrained within the built structure, the foundation is well engineered and predictable, the operating environment is constant, and movement is within a well defined envelope.



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Copyright 2000 - 2011, Jay W. Preston.  Distribution permission granted when this notice is printed in full.  For questions or comments: contact  The J-P, Plus Design and SAFETYBIZ. are registered service marks of Jay William Preston. Permission for use of specific Safety Subject Information is only granted when this notice is printed in full and Preston has been contacted by phone, fax, or email prior to use.